Algorithms at Netflix - or: How streaming services determine what you watch

In fact, streaming services, such as Netflix, manipulate certain movies - that's what algorithms are for. Some shows are even downright hidden. Mainly, these are flicks and movies that are about discussions, scandals and controversial content.

Who would have thought that Netflix could ever exceed 250 million paying customers worldwide? It is the world's best-known and most popular streaming provider. There's a reason for that, too, because the range of documentaries, series and films is enormous. The in-house productions also attract many viewers. Nevertheless, there are also controversial flicks that are shown via the provider. Very often, however, these are pushed into the background - certain algorithms make sure of that.

Manipulation of movies

For many, the question is what kind of films are particularly manipulated. Netflix, for example, has the option to send various search suggestions to the user. However, these are deleted from the outset for the above-mentioned movies and removed from the offer. It is still possible to access these movies via Netflix, but this is made more difficult for the user. By the way, the same applies to the defused search terms. This marketing is more than controversial.

Useful tricks

If you don't like the Netflix philosophy, you also have the option of becoming active yourself. Tastes are different, so it is advantageous to create and take control of Netflix's comprehensive offer yourself. Based on the user behavior of viewers, Netflix offers a permanent algorithm with recommendations.

Setting the search history

For the entire search behavior, or the compiled algorithm on the part of Netflix, the own personal search history is decisive. However, this can be edited and viewed. Data is constantly collected and forwarded there. The setting for this is as follows:

  • Select user profile
  • Select Account, My Profile, and Title History
  • Delete all titles that should not be included in the recommendation

Using the search

Netflix offers an individual search to narrow down the offer. This also influences the algorithm. As a result, mainly only documentaries, topics and movies are highlighted that were really specifically searched for. If you like, you can also add suitable titles to your own list. The "My List" function is used for this. Alternatively, a real Netflix fan also has the option of creating theme profiles. If you like, you can set up several user profiles at once. This is possible because Netflix allows you to create more than one profile. Depending on your tastes, you can create several profiles.

Become active yourself

If you have had enough of only getting special recommendations from Netflix based on predefined algorithms, you can use the tricks listed above for yourself. This way, the smart algorithm is kept in check. Only a few actions are necessary for this strategy. This way, the consumer himself becomes the boss of the evening program.