Mobile phone use: Why is flight mode not enough?

Many people have the habit of leaving their cell phone next to their bed at night to use it as an alarm clock or to have it quickly to hand in an emergency. Some switch on flight mode to reduce radiation exposure and save power. But is flight mode really enough to protect you from the negative effects? 

Often underestimated: Nocturnal radiation exposure from mobile phones

The mobile phone is a device that emits and receives electromagnetic waves to communicate with the mobile network, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or GPS. These waves are also called electromagnetic fields (EMF) and have a certain frequency and intensity. If you switch the phone to flight mode at night, most EMF will be switched off, but not all. 

For example, the smartphone can still send EMF to sync the time, activate the alarm or charge the battery. In addition, the phone can still receive EMF from other sources, such as Wi-Fi routers, radio alarm clocks or other electronic devices nearby. These electromagnetic fields can affect sleep quality and health by lowering melatonin levels, altering brain waves, or disrupting cell regeneration.

Healthier sleep with your phone turned off

To protect against radiation exposure from the mobile phone during sleep, it is better to switch off the device completely at night. This has the following health benefits: 

  • Radiation exposure to electromagnetic fields is significantly reduced, which minimizes the possible biological effects on the body.
  • Sleep quality and recovery improve as melatonin production is stimulated.
  • The brain waves normalize and cell regeneration is supported.
  • Distractions and disturbances caused by the mobile phone, such as noises, vibrations or notifications, which can impair the sleep process and phases of sleep, are avoided.
  • Mental health and well-being are promoted by reducing dependence on mobile phones.

Turning off your phone more often: Effects on battery life and service life

Switching off the phone at night has a positive effect on the battery life and the service life of the device. It saves power and extends battery life by minimizing the power consumption of the phone, which also takes place in airplane mode or standby mode. In addition, it reduces battery wear caused by frequent charging and discharging. In addition, switching it off more often protects the phone from overheating and damage, as it prevents the device from heating up, which can be triggered by charging, electromagnetic fields or the ambient temperature.

 Night “Soft Reset”: The Benefits

When the phone is completely switched off, a so-called “soft reset” is performed. All open applications are closed, the memory is emptied and the connections to the mobile network, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS are cut. This shutdown of the device has a number of advantages. A "soft reset" can help if the phone is too slow, if it freezes, an app is not working properly, the battery is draining too quickly or the connection is poor. It is a simple and efficient method to restore the phone to a normal state without losing data or settings.