What happens to my data in the cloud?

The cloud has become an indispensable part of digital life. But what exactly happens to our data when we upload it to the cloud? In this article, we take a look behind the scenes of cloud storage and explain how the uploaded data is processed, stored and protected. 

Definition: What is a cloud?

The cloud is a network of servers connected via the Internet that provide services such as storage, processing and application management. Instead of storing data on a local server or personal computer, it is stored in a decentralized location, allowing access from anywhere and at any time as long as there is an Internet connection. 

Data is not only stored in the cloud, but also processed. This enables users to perform complex tasks and calculations without having to own powerful hardware. Cloud services are scalable, which means that they can provide more or fewer resources as required.

Upload and data management
When you upload data to the cloud, it is transferred via the Internet to data centers that may be located all over the world. Your files are split into smaller parts and distributed across multiple servers to ensure availability and fast access. Cloud services have a user interface through which you can access and manage your data. You can share files, set permissions and even collaborate on documents with other users in real time.

Security and encryption
Security is one of the most important aspects of cloud storage. Encryption during transmission and at rest is an important criterion in this context. This means that the data is unreadable to outsiders without the corresponding key, unless unfavorable conditions make it possible for hackers to spy on it. Cloud providers regularly back up your data so that it is not lost. In the event of data loss due to hardware errors or other disasters, your data can be restored quickly.

Data protection and compliance
Cloud providers must adhere to strict data protection laws. They implement measures to protect user privacy and ensure compliance with global standards such as the GDPR. When uploading data to the cloud, providers must ensure that it is protected against unauthorized access. This is done using certain encryption techniques. Cloud providers must also meet a variety of compliance standards that vary from region to region. In the EU, for example, they must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which prescribes strict rules for the processing and storage of personal data.

Risks associated with cloud storage

While cloud storage offers a whole host of benefits, there are also risks that you should always bear in mind. Despite all security precautions, there is a risk of data being lost or damaged in the cloud, which can lead to costly losses. Security risks also arise during transmission. Access via insecure networks, such as public Wi-Fi hotspots, can lead to attackers spying on and misusing access data. In addition, unauthorized access to your data stored in the cloud can occur, resulting in data breaches. In addition, a lack of or weak password protection can make it easier for data thieves to gain access, especially if two-factor authentication is not used.

For these reasons: Choose carefully what data you upload to the cloud and make sure you understand your provider's privacy policy. This way, the cloud remains a safe haven for your digital treasures.