19 Aug 2022 2 min What is EU Digital ID? The so-called digital ID is intended for companies and people in the European Union to be able to identify themselves throughout Europe. This will make it possible to prove certain personal information. [...] Tags: digital ID EU Digital ID authentication Tracking data leak
19 Aug. 2022 2 min Was ist EU Digital ID? Die sogenannte digitale ID ist für Unternehmen und Menschen in der Europäischen Union gedacht, um sich europaweit ausweisen zu können. Dadurch wird es möglich sein, bestimmte persönliche Informationen nachzuweisen. [...] Tags: digital ID Authentifizierung Europa digitale Brieftasche Datenleck Digitaler Ausweis
04 Aug 2022 2 min Australia wants to identify all social media users with digital IDs Anyone who spends time on social media and is active there is to be able to be uniquely identified with a digital ID in Australia from now on. There is a lot of discussion about biometric and digital identification. [...] Tags: Australia digital ID Social Media Identity programs misinformation privacy